"No more pictures please"
After many attempts to get a picture with my eyes open and Sabrina smiling, this is what we came up with.
On another note. We went to the doctor the other day and I pointed out some little red dots on the side of Sabrina's face and neck. The Doctor then suggested that we run some full blood work (she just got some done 6 months ago for what I thought was required lead testing) so that we could check her platelet count and iron (she is low already but has been fine when I give her vitamins). I am bad when it comes to thinking first before I speak and said: "Oh well I have a low platelet count that dropped when I was pregnant with her." Oh course on hearing that she wad even more avid to get the blood work done.
When I went home I was of course not looking forward to getting her blood work done again, seeing as the last time it was such a traumatic experience for the both of us. Me not looking at her arm but being freaked out by the faces Reed was making at the phlebotomists taking her blood, and Sabrina screaming her head off while they tried to locate a vein and proceed to "fish around" for it. I got home and talked things over with Reed and realized that she had her blood work done when she was first born to check her platelet count and it was fine! I do not think anything would change since then, and the red spots are gone anyway so now I am debating getting it done at all. And also come to find out that the lead testing is not required.
I have such a hard time disputing doctors; especially nice ones, any suggestions?
It did not make matters any better that when we got home Sabrina got a bloody nose. So of course being already upset at the looming potential blood work, I was a little freaked when she got her first bloody nose.
I think you just have to rely on the spirit a lot to direct you in all things parenting, even health issues. I had to do that a lot in the hospital with Mia being so preemie. Mom knows best...trust those instincts whatever they may say to you.
That is so hard sometimes. But I agree with Jackie, Mom's know best! You know her better than anyone! :) Good luck sweetie! We miss you! Are you coming out west any time soon?
hahaha i love the yogurt drinking and the 80s birthday! so funny! i know what you mean, it is hard to know what you should and shouldnt do and when you should really listen to the dr. or not. if it was me i wouldnt take her to get it done again. like reed said, she already had it done and the spots cleared up so you probably have nothing to worry about.
Sabrina definitely knows how to show off for the camera!!! What great photos!
I love 80's baby! About the lead testing, I have my kiddos do it, and it isn't bad at all! They just poke their finger and get a few drops. Maybe you should ask again if it is just a finger poke or an arm vein. I can't blame your hesitation. ;-)
Sabrina is SOOOOO cute!
Thanks for your comments guys! Yeah I have not gotten it done yet. I think I will not unless she has any more problems show up or if she starts to bruise easily. Aly I wish we were coming out west soon. Not until Reed becomes a famous writer and we can afford it :) Emily- Sabrina is great with the finger pricks. when they checked her lead last time they did the full blood draw maybe I can get them to do that if they need the lead only.
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